Matt Weaver
My name is Matt Weaver. I am GP's 7th Grade Science Teacher.
I believe that the key developing our nation and our society is to teach children to think. To that end I try to come up with engaging activities to stimulate the student’s minds.
Outside of school of enjoy games, hiking, storytelling, history, reading, miniature painting, spending time with my family and friends and I am trying to get back into archery. I am noted for my way with words and my amazing ability to create puns.
Likes and Favorites:
Movies: Avengers and most of the MCU, Fury Road, Miller’s Crossing Most Sci-Fi and (some) war movies.
TV Shows: I am working my way through Stranger Things and the Umbrella Academy.
Games: Savage Skirmish, Fields of Honor, Iron Dragon, Star Realms, Elder Sign and many-Many others.
Books: Game Books, Final Blackout, A Bridge too Far, Anne of Green Gables, Murder on the Orient Express, Night Watch
Music: Alternative from the 80’s on.
Little Know Fact: I was a cartoon stunt double in the mid-1980’s. I was totally in no way responsible for the 1637 Dutch Tulip Market Crash which happened completely on it's own and with no help from me, whatsoever. It was a completely natural thing that I totally did not orchestrate. Also, I like the restaurant Pollo Loco and eat there often.