School Nurse
Welcome to the
Gavilan Peak Health Center!
We are GP! Go Firebirds!
(623) 445-7410
Times, they are a changing... and navigating your child's health needs these days can be tricky! As the school nurse, I am committed to working with you, and ALL of the Gavilan Peak School staff, to ensure your child has a happy, healthy, and safe school year. As a general rule, I will contact you for moderate to serious injuries and/or illnesses, especially those that require the child to go home or seek further attention. Minor injuries and illnesses will be managed on site in order to prevent the loss of valuable instruction time; however, if you have concerns and want to be notified more frequently about your child's health, please let me know. Every family is different, and children...even more so! YOU are your child's expert! Please feel free to reach out to me with your questions or concerns. OFFICE HOURS are Monday through Friday 8am until 3:30 pm (EXCEPT on early release days) or by appointment. I am available by phone (623) 445-7410 or via email doctor's notes can be faxed to (623) 445-7480
2024 SUMMER HOURS - May 17, 20, and 24th from 8am until 3pm and July 22nd and 24th from 8am to 3pm.
I will also be available at MEET THE TEACHER NIGHT June 30th 5-7pm to take forms and medications for the new school year!
Nurse's Corner
- Meet Amber Petculescu
- When should my child stay home?
- Medications
- Immunizations
- Hearing & Vision
- Important Information
- COVID-19
- Helpful Links
- Community Aid
- Exclusions & Exemptions
- Forms
- Save Your Back - Backpack Wearing Tips
Meet Amber Petculescu
Amber is so excited to join the Gavilan Peak Firebird family as the school nurse! Amber grew up in the Deer Valley Unified School District, starting out at New River Elementary, continuing to Deer Valley Middle School, and ending at Barry Goldwater High School ('94). In high school Amber was bitten by the singing/acting bug, thus she would go on to attend Missouri Valley College to pursue a BA in Musical Theatre. From there, she would join the management team as a performer and costume designer at the Astor's Beechwood Mansion and Living History Museum in Newport, Rhode Island. After retiring her Victorian dancing shoes, Amber decided to complete her Master's degree in Elementary Education at Rhode Island College. Though she loved New England, Amber longed to return home to Arizona to be close to family and friends. So, she moved back across the country and taught 5/6 grade science at Paramount Academy in Peoria for three years....before deciding to switch gears once again by earning her nursing degree in 2012.
Since becoming a Registered Nurse (RN) Amber has worked at Phoenix Children's Hospital specializing in GI/GU/medsurg and pediatric diabetes. Through pediatric nursing, and now becoming a part of the Gavilan Peak School staff, she has been able to combine her love for science, education, and helping others. Amber has lived in the New River/Anthem community since 2016 and her son has been attending GP since he was 3, so Amber has a special place in her heart for Gavilan Peak School and its surrounding community!
If you need to communicate with Amber, please feel free to call or email any time... (623) 445-7410 or Doctor's notes or test results can be faxed to (623) 445-7480
When should my child stay home?
About the Health Center:
Medical care provided by the school nurse is primarily for illnesses and injuries that occur at school throughout the school day; however, the nurse is qualified to collaborate with you and your child's physician to help provide a learning environment that fits your child's health and safety needs. The nurse does not diagnose medical conditions or illnesses nor does the nurse prescribe medications; however, medications and/or treatments prescribed by a physician may be given by the school nurse in the Gavilan Peak health office.
Keep your child home if they have…
- Fever 100.0 or higher (Children must be fever-free without the use of fever reducing medications for 24 hours before returning to school).
- Vomited in the last 24 hours
- Diarrhea in the last 24 hours
- Red, watery eyes, with or without yellow or green discharge
- Frequent sneezing, runny nose, or coughing
- Unexplained rash
- Headache or migraine
- Facial swelling
- Flushed face or paleness
- Sore throat or signs of strep throat
- Painful earache
- Any infection requiring antibiotics (children must have been taking antibiotics for A FULL 24 hours before returning to school)
*When in doubt of whether or not to send your child to school, consult your family physician.
Notification of Illness/Injury:
As a general rule, the nurse will contact you for moderate to serious injuries and/or illnesses, especially those that require the child to go home or seek further attention. It is the parent’s responsibility to make arrangements to pick up an ill or injured child as promptly as possible. Children are not permitted to walk home after an illness or injury, even with a parent/guardian's permission.
Minor injuries and illnesses will be managed on site in order to prevent the loss of valuable instruction time; however, if you have concerns and want to be notified more frequently about your child's health, please let the nurse know. Every family is different, and children...even more so! YOU are your child's expert! Please feel free to reach out to the nurse with your questions or concerns. The nurse is available by phone (623) 445-7410 or via email
ALL students who are signed out due to illness or injury MUST see the school nurse before leaving campus.
In order for the school nurse to administer prescription medications to students, two forms must be completed and on file for each medication: a medication consent form which includes an order for the medication/dosage/frequency filled out and signed by a physician or NP, and a medication administration record must be filled out by the parent with the school nurse.
Prescription medications must be brought to the health center by a parent/guardian in the original pharmacy labeled prescription container and labeled for the student with a current date.
In order for the school nurse to administer over-the-counter medications to students, one form must be completed and on file for each medication: a medication administration record must be filled out by the parent with the school nurse. Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Neosporin, topical or oral Benadryl, cough drops, antacids, or any like remedies are considered medications and are not stocked in the health office.
Over-the-counter medications must be brought to the health center by a parent/guardian in the original manufacturer's labeled container and with a current date. Requests for administration must be in agreement with the manufacturer’s directions or have a superseding physician’s order.
Students are not to bring medications to school. If your child has a severe allergy and/or asthma, and must carry an epi-pen and/or inhaler with them, a self-carry form will need to be completed. This form is only available for grades 6 through 8, and only certain medications will be considered. It is recommended that ALL medications be kept in the health center, so they are always accessible during an emergency.
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to pick up any unused or discontinued medications promptly from the health center. At the end of the school year, any medication remaining in the Health Center will be discarded and/or destroyed.
All forms are available to print from home on the website under "forms" or you can pick up a copy in the Gavilan Peak Health Center.
Written proof of compliance with immunization requirements is a part of the registration process in Arizona Schools. State and Federal Law mandates that school-age children be immunized to prevent certain diseases. If you are unsure of the requirements for immunizations, see your doctor, contact the Gavilan Peak health center, or call the Maricopa County Health Dept. at 602-506-6767 OR 602-263-8856 for locations of clinics and hours of operation.
Exemption forms are available upon request from the nurse. Religious exemptions are valid for Pre-school students only.
Arizona Immunization Requirements:
NEW: The State of Arizona is now requiring students to get their Tdap and Meningitis immunizations by the time they turn 12 years old (but not recommended before age 11)
Immunization Clinic Closest to Gavilan Peak:
West Clinic
1850 N. 95th Ave, Suite 184
Phoenix, AZ 85037
Contact: 602-506-5888
Hours: Monday – Friday 8am-4:30pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday
Closed for lunch 12pm-1pm
Closed for holidays and special dates
Hearing & Vision
Hearing and Vision:
Standard hearing and vision screenings are completed annually for: Pre-School, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 3rd Grade, 5th Grade, 7th Grade, any student with an IEP, and students who are new to Deer Valley Unified School District. Screenings begin during the third week of school and continue through to fall break. New students will be screened within 45 days of enrollment. If you have concerns about your child's hearing or vision and would like your student to be screened, please feel free to contact the nurse. Once screening is complete, the nurse will send home a notice for students with results that are outside of normal limits. At that time it is recommended that your child see their healthcare provider for further evaluation. If you do not wish your student to be screened for hearing or vision, please contact the school nurse at (623) 445-7410.
Important Information
Emergency Contact Form (aka The Pink Sheet):
All emergency "pink sheets" are now managed online through Powerschools in student enrollment forms. It is important that this information be updated every school year in order for the school to contact you. Please provide names and phone numbers of emergency contacts, in order of preference, so we can call if we are unable to reach a parent. Any changes to names, numbers, or emergency contacts will need to be made in person with the registrar once the school year has started. It is imperative to include your child’s medical conditions and any medications they are taking on their health history form. If any of this information changes throughout the school year, contact the health center and let the school nurse know.
Physical Education Excuses:
Students requesting to be excused from PE must bring a note, signed by their parent, to the nurse or PE teacher. Any request for three or more consecutive PE excuses must be accompanied by a Physician's written order. PE teachers will be informed of the length of excuse and any accommodations that need to be made for your child. If your child has a health condition that causes him/her to miss PE class frequently, a doctor's note may be requested.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) FACTS
Symptoms of COVID-19 (may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus):
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
When to seek medical attention:
Seek emergency medical care immediately if you have:
- Trouble breathing
- Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
- New confusion
- Inability to wake or stay awake
- Bluish lips or face
How it spreads:
- Between people in close contact with one another (within 6 feet).
- Through respiratory droplets (when an infected person talks, coughs, or sneezes).
Keep yourself safe:
- Wash your hands often using soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. If unavailable, use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
- Avoid close contact with other people – maintain 6 feet of distance
- Wear a mask to cover your mouth and nose when around others in a public setting
- Cover your coughs and sneezes
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily
- Monitor yourself for symptoms
For more information on the coronavirus, visit Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at
DVUSD Coronavirus Updates:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020, July). Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Retrieved from
Helpful Links
Anaphylaxis and Allergic Reactions:
Many children have food allergies and it is important for us to keep them safe. Our campus classrooms are all nut free. If you are interested in learning more about food allergies visit
If you are looking for some snacks free of peanuts, tree nuts, and eggs visit:
Bicycle Safety:
Bites, Stings, Poison, and Drug Information:
Hotline: 1-800-222-1222
Signs and symptoms, when to seek medical evaluation, and how to get better: Mayo Clinic -Concussions
Free and Reduced School Lunch Program:
Helpful Links for Concerned Parents:
Community Aid
Anthem Cares!
Gavilan Peak School partners with various organizations around the community to ensure our students get what they need to be healthy, happy, and ready to learn. If your family is in need of assistance, please submit the "Community Aid" request found in the "Forms" section, and return to either the school nurse or guidance counselor. These requests remain anonymous and you can re-apply every year.
Exclusions & Exemptions
Exclusions and exemptions (E&E) are medical accommodations provided for absences due to chronic and currently active conditions. The E&E only excuses absences that are a direct result of these chronic conditions and DO NOT excuse the student from classwork or from other unrelated absences. A doctor must sign the E&E detailing the condition and the anticipated days missed as a result of the condition. If your student has an E&E, and you are signing them out because of symptoms related to their chronic illness, you must notify the registrar at sign out and the student MUST see the nurse before they leave campus. Documentation of illness and/or appointments related to the chronic condition may be required for excessive absences. E&E forms are not retroactive and DO NOT cover absences accrued prior to the completion and authorization of the E&E by the doctor, the school nurse, and the school administration. E&Es must be renewed EVERY SCHOOL YEAR.
If you have questions about the E&E process, or would like to know if your child would qualify for an exclusion and exemption, please contact the school nurse at (623) 445-7410.
Community Aid Form
Food Allergen Letter
Food Allergy Management
Health Office Guidelines
Immunizations Medical
Immunizations Personal
Immunizations Religious - PreK ONLY
Nut Free Table
Nut Reduced Cafeteria Letter
Parent Medical Forms List
Prescription Medication Form
Seizure Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
Seizure Information Forms
Severe Allergy History
Special Diet Accommodation Form
Special Diet FAQ
SVN Treatments
Save Your Back - Backpack Wearing Tips
"Back to school" doesn't have to include back problems!
Kids fill their backpacks with heavy books, computers, notebooks, etc. and haul them from class to class. It is important your student has an appropriate sized backpack to ensure that they are wearing it properly. Wearing heavy backpacks improperly can result in back/neck/shoulder problems, headaches, changes in the way your student walks, increases the chance of developing scoliosis, and can lead to potentially serious and/or chronic injuries. Here are some quick tips to correctly position and carry the load of a backpack.
Students should always wear both shoulder straps (vs slinging the bag over just one shoulder).
Adjust the shoulder straps so that the backpack is higher up on the back, not sagging down low on the waist or resting on the bottom.
The backpack should not sway from side to side during walking. If it does, the straps are too loose.
If the backpack has a strap across the upper chest or waist area – use it. These extra straps help keep the shoulder straps in place, reduce sway, distribute the weight load to the hips, and relieve shoulder pressure.
The heaviest items your student carries should be placed closest to the child’s back and packed so as not to slide around.
A child’s backpack should never weigh more than 10% of their body weight. If backpacks are too heavy and/or are worn for prolonged periods, compression can develop on nerves or arteries that pass from the lower neck to the armpit, causing pain, weakness, tingling, and other problems.